Lazily enjoying Monday
Tent play is one of the BEST ways to kill a few hours.
A blanket and some chairs or stools are all that is required.
Plus, a healthy dose of imagination!
My silly kids haven't been doing much 'playing' in the tent at all! They've been pretending to be sleeping in sleeping bags! Guess i' them well?
X did go and get a box of musical instruments at the suggestion of adding toys to the Tent Party--not exactly conducive to sleeping, however instruments and camping compliment each other so nicely! Don't you think?
It was a busy weekend around here of lunches out, expecting a new baby (read: not mine!) , swimming classes and hours of outside play capped off by a nice fire with marshmallows!
No wonder the kiddos are tired this Monday morning! (This marks Beebo's 6th day of sleeping from 8pm- 930am...what is wrong with this child?? 830am normal, but 930am?)
Best kind!
*ps...only 32 days left until Christmas!