Monday Monday

Thoughts running through my head:

~I am turning out to be an okay sew-er. Not to be confused with 'sewer'...i'm not that. Lol! My goal this year is to make ALOT of presents! So, i apologize in advance if you are one of the (un)lucky receivers of my crafting joy!

~Mid sentence, my keyboard batteries died. Stole some batteries from a remote in my bedroom. Note to self: buy more rechargeables. With two kids in a household, i am always in need of batteries for something!

~Oils. I am wondering if i should expand my oil horizons? Currently, i LOVE using Grapeseed Oil, Olive Oil, and Hemp Seed oil! But i am sure there are others i could try?? Please note, i do have canola oil and vegetable oil on hand for baking.

-Grapeseed oil is a nice alternative to olive oil (it does cost alot less!); it has a lighter taste, but also a high burning temperature, so it does really well for stir-frys etc.

-Olive Oil is always good---yum! Salads, marinating....suffocating some lice in a shower cap---YEP--all good.

-Hemp Oil is chock-full of nutrients! In fact, the Essential Fatty Acids it contains are required by our body more than any other vitamin! I like that it has a really nutty taste, but it isn't the easiest thing to find at a supermarket.

~Vinegars. I am an admitted user of vinegar and water concoctions to clean my home. Sure, some days it smells rather 'fish n' chippy' around here, but if my kids choose to drink it---i won't be visiting a hospital!

-Rice Vinegar; i love flavoured kinds! Super yummy! And since i was taught a neat little trick (thanks elsbeth & regan!), i've come to love using rice vinegar. Add some to plain rice and it takes on a sticky rice texture, for the sushi lover in you!

-Balsamic Vinegar; mostly used for dressings and marinades around my home.

-Organic Raw Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar; dressings and shot daily as an immune booster! (Jodi-thx) It doesn't have the most pleasant taste ever, but it has been used for thousands of years for LOTS of reasons. Such history can't be all bad, can it?

Yep, so those are some of the things on my mind.... at least the ones i can tell you about, lol.

If you have suggestions to offer in the vinegar or oil persuasion, i'd be happy to add them to my pantry!

Ah, another week.

Weekends speed by WAY too fast

Monday Monday.

Back to sewing... i'll be at it awhile yet.



Heather said…
I've become partial to sesame oil for cooking certain asian dishes, and cider vinegar is essential to a good homemade teriyaki sauce among other dishes. I can usually find the sesame oil at the Asian Variety Store downtown (which is going under new management, by the way), and cider vinegar at any grocery store.

I'm not aware of any health benefits of either of these, but I know I like 'em!
Tara said…
The Italian in me enjoys just a plain oil and vinegar salad dressing. So this post piqued my interest.
You've got to add the Coconut Oil to your list. Even if you only use it to care for your hands. It's amazing.
Unknown said…
oh yes, jodi's secret Coconut Oil! any specific kind i should try?

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