Bass Pro Santa--highly recommended!
Everyone needs their customary visit to Santa each year. With kiddos, that visit becomes even more imperative! I can't recall why we didn't visit Santa last year, but the boy hadn't done it yet so it was time.
I avoid the mall like the plague; i hate that they charge over $20 for a cd with ONE picture on it and i may have to wait in line for hours! I generally strive to find a Santa with a food donation or a 'minimal' cost---even better if they let you take the pictures with your own camera!
This year, our Santa excursion took us to a 'Bass Pro Shop'. We needed to do this on the way to the airport and we hadn't been into this new and exciting store yet. I had heard that they had a Santa in their store, but never dreamed that he'd be FREE or have such a beautiful setup.
Please ignore the stunned look on my face-- Xman kept wanting to bolt! He gave Santa a high five, sat on his lap for a second, took a candy cane and was done with the man. Phew, no tears at least! Beebo sat long enough to get a picture all by herself with Santa, but ALWAYS makes a grouchy face for the picture.

This Santa was easily the best Santa i had ever seen! I would highly recommend you taking your child/ren to the nearest 'Bass Pro Shop'. The whole experience was awesome! We'll definitely make this our 'annual' Santa trip!
**the 'Bass Pro Shop' is quite the sight! Gorgeous is all i can say, you NEED to experience it for yourself!
Anyway, looks like you got the perfect family pictures. And Santa looks genuine too.