~Help for Haiti~
I have been having a terrible week (the reasons are too numerous!). While throwing myself a BIG, huge pity party... i saw the newspaper sitting there on the counter... showing me pictures of the people in Haiti. And boy, do i feel like an ass.
These people have really had a bad week.
Who am i to even compare?
So, after visiting with this lady here, i knew what i had to do. Besides praying (because every bit of that helps tremendously), every dollar...even if it's only one, helps.
Visit the Canadian Red Cross, to donate directly online here. Canadians may also call toll-free at 1-800-418-1111 or visit their local Red Cross office or one of the participating bank branches. Cheques should be earmarked Haiti Earthquake.
What is my part you ask? And how can YOU help me?
Our family will donate $25 dollars to this cause... plus, for every link that is added onto the McLinky in this post (telling me the ways YOU are helping the cause-does not need to be monetary), i will donate $1 dollar. If you do not have a blog, simply leave me a comment telling me of your efforts ($1). I *believe* i have 31 followers currently to date, so for each additional follower i gain (cutoff date is 12am, friday, january 22, 2010), i will donate another dollar.
If you have a blog and would like to write a post about "Help for Haiti", then i strongly encourage you to join not only my McLinky, but also the EVER growing McLinky (scroll to the bottom and add your blog post link)! Each link added to that McLinky, garners a donation of $10 dollars to Compassion International, as well as an extra .30cents to Numana, by its hosts at Money Saving Mom!
It truly is amazing and inspiring to see so many of my 'bloggy friends' using their space for good!
Join us!

ps-if you do not have a Google etc account, leave a comment by using the Anonymous option. But please sign your name to it, so i know who it was!

Thank you so much for loving the poor. Stop by my blog and link in. In addition to giving $1,600 to Haiti we are giving a box of yummy Godiva chocolates to one lucky joyful giver.
Tragedy was already there.....now it's even worse. Hardly seems possible.
Prayers, gifts, money, time, help.....they need it all.
-Casey from www.thestarnesfam.com
Have a GREAT Weekend
Valerie @ WalkinInSunshine.blogspot.com
Thanks also for linking up at Friday Follow. Here I am...your newest blog follower! Happy escapes!
~ Lynn
Here following from Friday Follow!
Thanks also for linking up at Friday Follow. Here I am...your newest blog follower!