A little CatchUp! Not to be confused with Catsup!

We didn't get snow overnight, but the hoar frost is super amazing!
Looks... painted!
~Thank you. Thank you for leaving me your comments, telling me what you have done to help. Thank you for helping. I will be using my link to the Red Cross immediately after this post, to make our donation. $25 offered, up'd by you- 7 Links, 10 Comments, 20 Followers = $62
~While i do not entirely want to tell you about this contest Unknown Mami is hosting, i have to... because i really want to win!! I mean, telling you gets me TWO whole entries; however, it may also lessen my chances once you too, decide to enter. Ah, shucks, here we go! Tungsten ring, value up to $120! Tungsten is a steel-gray metal that is scratch proof! Pretty neat eh? The GREAT thing about this contest is that it is open to us Canucks too! So go see Mami and enter!
~This week a bloggy bud noticed that the coding in my button was a little off. And well, of course it was....uh hum, i made it myself. I get credit for trying though, right? Anyways, she was nice enough to help me fix it and i just really wanted to give her a big shout out for her assistance! I am very proud to say that i have done all the upgrades for my blog by myself (including a lengthy tutorial adding a 3rd column into my html coding- can we say nightmare?) and that somehow, in being a Mom, i have learned to use my computer more fully! Thanks Joe- for holding my hand and walking me through the steps! You were an invaluable teacher and i *think* i still remember how to do it again, if ever the need.
Well, i can't stress enough how happy i am that today is Friday! Ah, the weekend! Have a good one all! I look forward to a new week and getting to know a few new followers!

Aren't you proud of yourself for doing all the upgrades to your blog? That's how it's been for me and I'm glad because I've learned so much that I never would have learned otherwise.
Thank you so much for telling me about the issues you were having with Disqus. I've gotten other complaints, but no one was as specific as you. I forwarded your emails to them and hopefully they can fix the issue because you know I'm a comment junkie.
Also, thank you for the shout out on the giveaway.
Happy Follow Me Fridays!
I just love it, everything looks so surreal.
Good luck with the ring thing. I saw it too on her site!! I got lazy as well... LOL
Here it is called "ini" - - and this weekend we had it on the top of the snow . . . I had never seen that before . . .
You teach me something new almost every time I read your blog, Sami! thank you!