~Be Mine~

Hard at work, making Valentine's for her Preschool class! Guess she felt like being 'topless'?

Packing them up for school, one last look! So proud!

Each and every one, came personalized with its very own perfectly handwritten-backwards name.

Won't you be mine?
To check out more fabulous ideas for home-made Valentine's, look what these Moms & kiddos did! Meet Keri & Sonja & Jeanette!~

Those Valentine's are beautiful..
I can't believe how much she looks like Trinity at that age!! Maybe you and I were seperated at birth or something ;)
I'll let you know if it sorts out--last year during a growth spurt she completely could not say her name correctly, for about 10 days. Then poof, there it was again!
They are made with real LURVE!
Thanx for visiting my wee Blog.
Have a great Valentines Day
aka A Daft Scots Lass
Have a wonderful weekend!