Niagara Net-Zero Project
I have the lovely priviledge of knowing a group of people who are trying to do Mother Earth some good. I encourage you to check out the Niagara Net-Zero Project, to learn how you too could help Mother Earth (and your own wallet!).
Informed Energy Solutions, to a brighter-cleaner future! New government incentives make this prospect even more do-able (especially in Canada). Maybe you should join in the energy making fun?
Informed Energy Solutions, to a brighter-cleaner future! New government incentives make this prospect even more do-able (especially in Canada). Maybe you should join in the energy making fun?

I hope you all had an enjoyable Earth Day yesterday. I spent it outside on a glorious, sunshiney spring day and got a sunburn-oopsy! Then today i woke up to a blanket of snow on the ground! Now that's a kick in the pants- darn global warming! LOL
