Sundays In My City~ Bitch Slapped
I'll preface by telling you that the moisture is definitely welcome and necessary. But dude- this is spring. In spring, it should rain. Right?
We have been coatless for a few weeks now.Obviously It has been a really nice feeling; the freedom to just let the breeze brush your skin. Carrying around Rubbermaid containers of clothing in our car is what all good Albertans do-for this reason: Did you know that Calgary is one of the only major cities in the world to receive snow in all 12 months of the year?? Sick.
We have been coatless for a few weeks now.

Fast forward.
Late afternoon yesterday, the skies darkened. We had just set up the heater in our greenhouse, for a test drive of nighttime temps. My house is overflowing with plants that need to get out (snow peas, scarlet runner beans, tomatoes, pumpkins, spaghetti squash, dill, basil, cucumbers, honeybee tomatoes, basil & edamame)! Leafy fare has taken over!

As you can see, my mind is clearly not into that white stuff anymore. I have moved forward. I accept rain. I appreciate precipitation of the droplet kind and will accept nothing else! My fingernails have been dirty all week with gardening chores; i have fully jumped into Spring with both, rainboots!
Well... those darkened skies unleashed a nasty spring storm on us. And, to my knowledge, almost everyone i know around me got rain. Guess how i made out?

The white stuff appears to have a magnetic attraction to planned garden dates. Thwarting me once again!!
Happy freakin' Sunday in My City!

*Be sure to visit Unknown Mami-i guarantee the rest of the gang is having a sunnier Sunday!*

I love this Sunday feature. Am heading over to Unknown Mami now.
Lets hope the sun comes back to you this week!
we are still kinda cold here in nyc and rainy!
But just remember - where you are, the snow will melt in a day or two!
Have a great week - the sun will shine again.
Hope it warms up so so you can plant what looks to be a fabulous garden with lots of variety!
Here from SIMC.
Bless your heart. Hope warm weather is at your door soon!
It's been warm today here so I am sending you some warm sun rays onto your way! :-)