Tell Me, Tell Me Tuesday
Easter here was filled with many a to-do list! I was hoping the weather might be a little warmer, but the chilly wind was blessed with sunshine-so not all bad. Since we had the luxury of a few days off, we decided to put in some serious gardening time. It has been a few years since moving here and all i have done in that time is weed-garden-weed-weed- and plant bulbs. Two years of bulbs are now popping up all over the place; i secretly believe that all the bulbs i plant will not work for a,b or c reasons. Yet when i see them poke their greenery from below, my faith is renewed!
Moving on... last year hubby built me a greenhouse. I used it. I tried hard. But i swore it was way too hot- ya know, sometimes you need a good give'er sort out the kinks?! While i am a firm 'research and follow a plan' type, just letting things happen was how i needed to learn and progress. But NOT this year...
Last year's greenhouse production of mismanaged results drove me cuckoo! Learning experience.OR.not. This year i demanded windows and screen and ventilation- the door open thing was not working. And while you're at it, plz throw in an area to hang my tools and shelving for even more insane growing madness! Mowahahahah! I cannot fail two years in a row!
Moving on... last year hubby built me a greenhouse. I used it. I tried hard. But i swore it was way too hot- ya know, sometimes you need a good give'er sort out the kinks?! While i am a firm 'research and follow a plan' type, just letting things happen was how i needed to learn and progress. But NOT this year...
Last year's greenhouse production of mismanaged results drove me cuckoo! Learning experience.OR.not. This year i demanded windows and screen and ventilation- the door open thing was not working. And while you're at it, plz throw in an area to hang my tools and shelving for even more insane growing madness! Mowahahahah! I cannot fail two years in a row!

Obliging hubby (thank you hun, love you!), built greenhouse windows! And the storage area and the shelving (all with recycled wood!). I am so blessed. Since the big digger was on-site, i decided that maybe (oh just maybe, wink wink), he could also dig up my veggie garden and make it bigger? And bigger it IS!

Unfortunately, the bigger garden means a LOT of me picking rocks before i can get some real dirt in here! If you aren't familiar with Alberta and it's ROCKY Mountains, then here is a picture to demonstrate just a little bit of the madness i still need to endure in this project:

I've already been picking this patch...
Tell Me, Tell you have a veggie/herb garden?? What fantastic things do you grow? I am Zone 3- last year successes were Mesclun, Zucchini, Carrots. Has anyone ever grown Horseradish?? I REALLY want to try growing Horseradish, but have heard horror stories--now i need tips!
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So, your greenhouse looks wicked. what are you going to grow in there? I have always wanted a garden but never had one. The new house has one and I'm super excited. We don't take posession until May 31st so i'm not sure I'll have time to plan anything other than herbs but next summer - watch out lol!
You name it, we probably grow it. Well, except horseradish. :-D
I grow my goodies in pots because I dont have any ground to gro anything. I grew cucumbers,eggplants,bell peppers and tomatoes..Good luck with yours!
The problem with horseradish i hear, is it stinks! And takes over! So i might attempt this one in just a container.
We are trying to grow a garden on our patio. We have started garden beans (growing like crazy), tomatoes, pumpkins, and peppers. Basically we got a container set by Sesame Street that the kids love but they are frustrated by how slowly some grow. Keep your fingers crossed. We also bought these kits caled Topsy Turvy for both strawberries and tomatoes but we haven't tried those yet.
I wish you luck with the new projects.
So far, the chickens have been pretty easy. Of course, they are just in the basement, though my hubby has drawn up plans for a coop. We'll see what happens when they get outside!