Tell Me, Tell Me Tuesday

Hubby has gone out of town.
That leaves me, completely able to watch whatever frivolously-yucky-trashy show on television that strikes my fancy.
Boy did i get lost last night!
"How Clean Is Your House?"
Have you seen It?
Lovely ladies. Lovely.
I love their affinity for baking soda and vinegar,
and praise their teaching efforts by taking samples
to show the actual level of disgust.
I can.not believe what they'll touch -ungloved.
*Last night, a fingernail was touched to a toilet that had NOT been washed for twenty years. Yes, i said 20! The image replaying in my head sends shivers down my spine.*
I am not sure how some people live like that?
Anyways, watching this show certainly made my house feel like a palace.
I'll try not to ride my children so hard for being terrorizes to cleanliness.
We do okay.
When i said i was going to watch 'trashy' tv, i didn't exactly mean TRASHY!
Oh well, what had i expected?
Flipped a channel up or down- i'm not completely sure on that. Stumbling into a show i've never seen but certainly held an attention getting title.
"16 and Pregnant"
(But that's a whole other post.)
After a few minutes of watching, i decided to move along. This still wasn't trashy and fun.
Housewives of some city or other had to do.
Tell Me,
Tell Me.
What does your remote land on, when your hubby is away?

ps~ Happy 420!
Murray is usually really good at watching the rubbish I enjoy, but he draws the line at the above shows :)