Tell Me, Tell Me Tuesday
I normally will not post a picture like this, for extreme fear of what may happen. But this time, the circumstances were just too good. DaddyO, the kids and I had just finished up a nice refreshing soak in the hot-tub and after having stripped off our wet attire, were sitting in the sunshine on the deck. MOST of us had our robes on. However, Xman decided that HE would rather shovel off the remaining slushy snow from the previous days snowstorm. HE decided to whip off his robe and HE decided to do it shoeless.
So Tell Me, Tell Me...have you ever had a moment with your child that was unshowable?? We just laughed and laughed and laughed-- no one was rushing to stop him, lol.

*Picture has been removed*
Shovel shovel shovel,
a hard days work is never done.
Even when you are two and naked.
a hard days work is never done.
Even when you are two and naked.
So Tell Me, Tell Me...have you ever had a moment with your child that was unshowable?? We just laughed and laughed and laughed-- no one was rushing to stop him, lol.

Yes, I had few of those moments with my boys. Especially the younger one. He was born nudist. Didn't care if we were in public or home. When the need came the clothes went off.
My 2.5 yr old, Brandon, likes to run butt-naked from our bathroom all the way to the living room and scream "neebie cheebies!" which means "nudy-patudy!" which is what we say when they are naked....but to try and video it has never worked! LOL