Monday, Monday


Going to sleep on Sunday will cause Monday.

*Please note...
staying awake all night does not prevent Monday.

There is no cure.



Mrs. M said…
Haha! I sometimes stay up late on Sunday too, just hoping to delay the inevitable a little bit longer. :)
CalgaryDaddy said…
Someone has a case of the Monday's!

Unknown said…
LOL love that movie!
Unknown said…
Sounds like Mondays are not your favorite. :)
Rebecca said…
Love it more than you can imagine. Thanks for sharing this true but of wisdom!
Unknown said…
Who me?? Not like Mondays?
I lose the hubby and have to do endless school trips!

Ah, all good. Just wishin' the weekend didn't pass by so fast!
Lee Ann said…
Lol I love that! X
Matty said…
Who is the wise guy who invented Mondays?

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