Wordless Wednesday~AKA What is it Wednesday?

So here's the story...
last year, there was a Bleeding Heart plant right here.
Bleeding Hearts are a perennial, that is...if.they.live.

Well, Xman was a stompy little toddler last year and he liked to dance on that Bleeding Heart. I did not dig up its roots at all, in hopes that it *might* come back.

Hmm...this is growing in its place? It is possible i felt the BHeart was no longer viable and stuck a handful of bulbs near it. But i do.not.remember.doing.that. This just keeps growing and growing...

Do you know what it is?

For what it is worth, THIS is my Bleeding Heart plant that is doing just fine. They certainly do not look like one another...


The Kloeppings saidā€¦
Those look like my lily stems..maybe carpet border lilies? Perhaps you have an adventurous squirrel that brought it over from your neighbors yard? I'm trying to dig up a picture of our carpet border lilies to show you....brb..
The Kloeppings saidā€¦
here...check out the little short ones...http://picasaweb.google.com/lindsay.king/061209Flowers#5478228613807146754
Unknown saidā€¦
that link won't work for me! Am i doing it wrong??

You can email the photo to me at sami@platinum.ca

If you don't mind, thx!
The Kloeppings saidā€¦
argh..stupid google...:) You've got mail!
Unknown saidā€¦
OMG- you might have just jogged my memory!

Last year, i believe i did put a tiger lily into the ground--that get this!!! Came from a grocery store!

I *think* i put it near the old bleeding heart and thought that there was just no way it would keep growing. And it didn't. (But figured, heck it is worth a try!)

BUT....it's possible it grew this year??????

WHOA. I'll be really really surprised if Tiger Lilies start blooming!!
Unknown saidā€¦
Thanks for sending the pic! It does indeed look like lilies....

now i guess i wait!
The Kloeppings saidā€¦
the orange ones in the pic I sent you are from a plant my hubs brought home from the grocery store. He planted them after they finished blooming and I was sure they'd not come up but alas, they're one of the most prolific lilies we have now (and they've been moved twice since he first planted them). It's entirely possible that that's what those are! Can't wait to see once they start blooming!
Audrey saidā€¦
I'm going with lilies too! They can survive anything, if you're not careful they can become a weed :)
Wonder what color they will be?
Mrs. M saidā€¦
Yep, my first thought was lily too - was have lots of varieties in our yard and your picture looks a lot like some of ours!
Unknown saidā€¦
thanks everyone! i am stoked to see this flower unfold.

pics when it does!
Sonya saidā€¦
Oh wow, Im excited to see what it turns into!
Liz Mays saidā€¦
That looks an awful lot like my asiatic lilies! If so, you're in luck! They're beautiful!
Claudya Martinez saidā€¦
It's a garden miracle!

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