Saddle Up!

Dubbed "The Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth", Calgary's 10 day event is surely one to kick up some Yeehaws! Held every July, since 1923, the Stampede attracts over 1 million visitors every year and hosts the largest payout of any rodeo worldwide!

Calgary turns into a city of partying-flapjack eating-bbqing-parading-midway riding-band watching fun--and all of our inner Cowboys and Cowgirls kick into gear! For these 10 days only, no one cares whether you are truly a rancher--only about how many free pancake breakfasts one could possibly make it to city wide??
(Yes, free!)
Check out the FlapJack finder site- to find locations near you!
While some do like to wax poetic about 'Animal Welfare' during the events, all attempts are made to host a safe stampede. In addition, livestock auctions and exhibits serve to educate the public about Alberta's ranching and agricultural heritage.
It definitely is an event not to be missed!
Calgary Stampede, July 9th to July 18th, 2010
(be there, or be square... dancing! yeehaw!)

The Calgary Stampede is COMPLETELY powered by Wind Energy for all 10 days of the event!!