Tell Me Tuesday

Yay, it is time to play Tell Me Tuesday again!
If you've been playing along, last week i asked for your advice on good, natural ways to clean and protect all the wood furniture and cabinetry in my house.
I have to say, it wasn't the best Tell Me Tuesday for an answer i have been in search of! LOL I know Murphy's Oil Soap to be a good product, but is not all natural. I want my kiddos to be able to drink it- might not taste great, but it won't kill them.
Okay, so poor me...still with no awesome answer ... but back with a whole new question!
Tell Me Tuesday this week:
What were you like in highschool?? Have you stayed the same as your highschool self? If you have changed for the better/worse, what inspired the change?
(I asked this question on my Facebook last week and was absolutely in love with the conversation and truthfulness of all those who answered- let's see how you all do!)
Now? I try to appreciate everyone and I try really hard to stand up to bullies and fight for the underdog!
I wasn't 'popular' but I had a good solid core of friends I really loved. That is what I am like now. I'm more confident now. In high school I was always worried about how people saw me. Now I couldn't care less.
The magic of growing up.......