
One word...
okay, two.

(Be sure to check out the Freakin' Cold link!)


Rebecca said…
Yeah, thanks for the cold front you're sending me. Because you live in Canada, I'll go ahead and blame you, that's okay, right?
TheFitHousewife said…
Isn't is awful?! We had ice on the inside of our windows this morning. Ridiculous!
The link takes me nowhere. Is it just me?
Unknown said…
Sorry Catherine, it is working now!
Matty said…
I don't envy you. We're still fairly mild here, but it's on it's way. I hate the cold.
Pamela said…
I am done with the cold!!
It can go away and not come back!!

How sad is it that I am excited abut the -14 high for today?!?!
Oh, that just looks perfect with the embossing.
Hard to believe that we started our day at 14C yesterday! Now we're at the freezing point.
Sonya said…
Our first snow fall is due any minute :P

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