Tell Me Tuesday

Last week, i asked you about donating time or money and to whom? WOW! I found out that my readers are pretty gosh darn generous peeps! That puts a big smile on my face. It isn't important how much you donate, it's that you DO! Give yourselves BIG HUGE pats on the back!
It was inspiring to see that so many of you donate locally, at home, where help is needed. There is definitely no shortage of reasons locally, to not have to look too much further. Examples: Firehall, Men's Missions, Teen Homes, Salvation Army. Interestingly, no one said 'food bank'. But perhaps that is just a given these days?? Some of you simply want a child to open a present on Christmas morning...or to donate to medical causes afflicting families far and wide. And a few of you, are out there financing business opportunity with, giving a "Hand Up and not a Hand Out."
Many, many ideas offered. Very inspiring!
SO, what do we do?
1. Smile Train- The Smile Train helps teach developing countries how to perform and fix cleft lip and palate; a seemingly simple operation these days in many parts of the world. Do you know that it only costs $250 dollars for a 45 minute, life changing operation for a child?? That's it! Feel free to check out their site to learn more.
2. World Vision- This organization allows you to help at home in your own country, or far away. Your choice. My kids love that they can pick a 'real' gift--something that is a little more tangible and definitely useful. Last year, we donated a Pig and Two hens and a Rooster, to a family in need. There are many things to choose from, including medical supplies/school lunches/fruit trees/water wells/shelters and more.
3. FOOD BANK- Over the last few years, this has been more 'MommyO' driven than kid-driven. But this year, Beebo is already asking WHEN we're going to do it. The food bank is a staple in society--it is very needed and almost completely relies on volunteer time and donations. Typically, the kids do a chore that earns them some money--then, i take them to the grocery store, where they pick and spend the money on non-perishable foods for the food bank. Okay, maybe they want to buy more Kraft Dinner than anyone should ever eat...but they are learning. We pack the food up into our wagon and the kids proudly walk their donation through the doors. It is pretty cool to hear your child say, "Hey--we used our money to buy this!" and load it up on the counter and then leave it there. The questions linger all week long, while they strive to learn 'why' they did that. We have food--DaddyO works hard for it--but a child simply does not understand that not everyone has food. It is a BIG concept. I hope to continue this for many years to come, as well as volunteering our time there once the kids are older.
4. NEW TO ME THIS YEAR-- I follow a great lady by the name of Unknown Mami. For two years now, i have heard her talk about KIVA. So, this year i will follow in her footsteps and lend out my $25 bucks to help a business! It seems like such a small amount to help a business get started!
Remember, it does not take much time or money to dramatically make someone else's life better! Do what you can and be an inspiration to those around you!
Tell Me Tuesday This Week:
Lordy lordy--i think my weather widget is broken because today it is actually -38C. would rather lie to us all, than to truthfully say how Gosh darn cold it is! (It's okay, i am in disbelief as well) So, to get us all in a warmer spirit, let's talk about Spirits!
With the festive season upon us, are you slurping back the nog a la rum? Will you indulge in a few too many glasses of vino, a special scotch neat...or do you have a homemade punch recipe that you are just dying to tell us all about? Calories are for sissies---so bring it on!

I guess next year I will just look forward to it all the more. LOL