In Like A Lamb, Out Like A Lion?? Oh wait, that's Spring!
HOLY blogging absence Batman!
This week was definitely my longest away from the ol' blog ever!
Do i feel renewed? Do i have more to say? Less? Never, mowahaha!
The Family and I were away visiting the family in Ontario and i guess, i didn't want to inform the whole world that my house would be empty. I mean, it is bad enough that my daughter Beebo took it upon herself to inform Santa that we I am only thankful that she does not know our address, for realsies...she would have given that up too!
Christmas was Christmas. We went to the inlaws house first, enjoying days of not knowing where anything is meal planning for 10 in the new kitchen! I have to say, you definitely know you are an adult when one drools over a new kitchen. Then it was off to visit my family! Truthfully, i am saddened by the Christmas experience with my family this year. (We're all a little too selfish stubborn for our own good.) Christmas was always such a good time back in the day. Maybe it was those 'child-like' Christmas eyes, like 'rose-tinted' glasses or something?? I am always astounded when people cannot just suck it up for the sake of the season, but oh well. Do-over, on that part of Christmas please??
I did manage to sneak in a few awesome visits with peeps i have not seen in years, so those visits turned out to mean a lot.
In regards to the Canadian Weblog Awards, People's Choice award i was up for...hmm, what to say about that?? Definitely honoured that one of you took the time to nominate me. Definitely surprised to have made the Top 5 (of 35 nominated blogs total)! And even more thankful, to all those who voted for Peek Thru Our Window and to those who posted the link and made their friends vote for me too! The blogging world is a really special place for me. Without this facet in my life to unload all the crap that i encounter , i would seriously blow up. So thank you so much for putting up with me.
*Official results for the Canadian Weblog Awards will be announced tonight at Midnight!*
I won't lie...
As good as 2010 was, i am pretty sure that 2011 has to be better!
Happy New Year's Eve All--
Be Safe. Be Merry.
See you in 2011! Yeehaw!
*Official results for the Canadian Weblog Awards will be announced tonight at Midnight!*
I won't lie...
As good as 2010 was, i am pretty sure that 2011 has to be better!
Happy New Year's Eve All--
Be Safe. Be Merry.
See you in 2011! Yeehaw!

Happy New Year
I've Become My Mother
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year, friend.
Webmaster of and
Best regards