Links Not Working??
I sincerely apologize to anyone who may be trying to get to my blog- read my blog- or to click on links within my blog etc! I signed up for a custom domain through Blogger and am still waiting for the process to complete. I hope to be back to normal soon.
Did you know that you can now purchase a 'custom domain' through Blogger??
Go to Settings, then to Publishing. Cost is $10 USD per year.
(I hope that by promoting Bloggers newest upgrade, the Blog-Gods will be kind to me and i won't have to manually fix all my links! EEEEE!)
*Hang in there and i promise i'll make it worth your while! A $150 Prize Pack Giveaway from Lay's NEW Kettle Cooked Chips is upcoming! Yum!*

PS- I am off to Race City Motorsports Park tomorrow in Calgary to go test drive and drag race NEW Ford Vehicles! Sound good?? Click THIS LINK to see how you can join in the fun!