Sunday In My City ~ The Missing Mom
I am the picture taker. Like many of you, MommyO is generally the photog of life and does not appear in the photos. We are there, circling, hovering, watching life and tykes and things- taking in glimpses and pauses and smells. We were certainly present, but are only recorded in non-tangible memories.
In some ways, i totally envy all those ladies/Moms who take the time to stop and snap away shots of themselves. Seems slightly vain... but who am i to judge? I take oodles of pictures of things. Multiple shots of the same thing, each one slightly tweaked in lens. And the kids, they are easy targets of wonderfulness to capture. But myself...

As you can see, i am clearly not very good at taking pictures of myself. My attempts to seem 'cool' prove sillier than when first conceived. I've been exposed for the true geek i am and now understand why i probably do not stand around posing for and taking pictures of moi. Your hand all crooked out there, sometimes all double-jointed like... to take a picture of yourself?

Be sure to visit the lovely host Unknown Mami!
*I bring you this blog entry from the out of doors-- fine day near #yyc.*
What a gorgeous day! Enjoy! Love your view BTY :)
I LOVE seeing the face of the blogger - - - makes me "know" them better.
Your little strip of yourself, even with your own self-administered rabbit ears - - - was my FAVORITE part of this post.