Disney's New Winnie The Pooh

A few weeks ago, we had the opportunity to go see Disney's newest Winnie The Pooh Adventure!  In classic Pooh fashion, the story book and words are intertwined within the movie.  The story begins with Pooh noticing that Eeyore is missing something?  His tael. They set out on a mission to find it, eventually looking for answers at Christopher Robin's. But when they get to Christopher Robin's, all they find is a note. In reading the note an error is made, leaving the gang fearing for CR's safety! You can only imagine the silly things that happen next.

I am not a huge Tigger fan, but felt that there was just the right amount of Tigger to satisfy. And if you have younger kids who cannot quite sit through a full length film yet, this film runs about 70 minutes long and may be the perfect starter!

Out in theatres right now!

*Peek Thru Our Window was provided with tickets to view Disney's New Winnie-the-Pooh by Disney Canada. As always, the opinions expressed are our own.*


Rebecca saidā€¦
What do you think are the scary (conflict, high stress?) parts of the movie. There are some Dora shows that scare the snot out of my kids. I'm thinking about taking my kids to see the movie in a couple of weeks.
Heather saidā€¦
We saw it the other day and I thought it was adorable...I love the look of the old, classic animation
TheFitHousewife saidā€¦
My kids saw it last week and loved it! No scary parts so that was good :)

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