Happy Thanksgiving and....
I'd like to wish all my fellow Canucks a very Happy Thanksgiving! Please take a few moments today to remember all the things you are thankful for- i don't think we can ever be thankful enough.
In a short while i'll begin preparations for our feast tonight. On the menu: Tom the Turkey, Sausage stuffing, Mashed Sweet Potatoes, Green Bean Casserole, and Brussel Sprouts. These are the dishes our family loves (well maybe the Brussel Sprouts aren't a favourite-- they're all for me!) and looks forward to every year. Oh yes, i forgot the pie! Strawberry Rhubarb and a Pumpkin Pie! Does it get more fabulous than that??
What foods does your family like to eat at Thanksgiving??
I should mention that today is also an important day for little ol' me. Two years ago, i began this blog and celebrate its anniversary today. I do not even remember what my blog was called when i started out, but i love and appreciate everything my blog has become. It's my outlet, it's my ongoing project... and i hope you've enjoyed every minute of it!
If you'd like to read my Thanksgiving post from two years ago, click HERE.
The feast was fab, as always. I am Thankful!