Mom's Night Out 2 Donate & Dine Event- November 4th
Last night was our 2nd "Mom's Night Out 2 Donate & Dine" event. It was truly successful in that all the donors were really excited about their 'good deed' and we had a much bigger group; however, a few fell ill (including myself who was finishing off a cold) and another curve ball or two was added just to keep things interesting. We even had one lady who was turned away because they had too many people! That is a good problem to have I'll admit, yet all geared up and ready to go -- and given how much it is needed, why turn anyone away?
Anyways, that's how life rolls sometimes and hopefully, the next time we will all be ship-shape ready and penciled in! Nonetheless, I appreciate everyone who tried to donate, those who did donate and those who supported! It was a very nice evening out, getting to know a few new ladies and see a few familiar ones too, while noshing on some pizza and drinks. (Sorry Ladies- only now just realizing I never snapped a shot of us all!) Thanks to Boston Pizza for giving us a deal and allowing us to sit kid-free in your lounge. ~Bliss~ Special mention to this lady, who made us all matching yarn bangles-- once again astounding us with her neverending crafty talents! Thanks so much for adding a special touch to the evening.
Yesterday was also "Random Acts of Kindness" day and although our night to donate was planned weeks in advance, I think we kicked butt in being really nice people. ;)
If you would like to organize your own "Mom's Night Out 2 Donate & Dine" event, feel free to contact me and I can tell you how to get started.
If you'd like to join us next time and you live in the Calgary area, let me know that too and I'll keep you in the loop!
There are many clinics on-going across Canada and many more pop-up events. Give a gift that is priceless. Your donation means a lot and can help save the lives of three people!
Blood- it's in you to give.
