Dear 2011...
Dear 2011:
That's been us! We're ready and eager to see what 2012 holds!
*Best Wishes for a Healthy, Happy and Safe New Year Everyone!*
Phew! We made it! All the prep, the planning ... and the driving (10-12hrs each way), have all been thoroughly enjoyed and taken in as the Christmas of 2011. In British Columbia, we rejoiced in the Saviour and one very special ladys 90th Birthday; while mingling with family and feasting on pretty much everything. And LOTS of it! Upon returning to Alberta, we have seen more feasting (Have appetizers become a staple??) and with New Years in only a few days, there will certainly be more feasting. (And family and friends and fun!)
Really, this year has been fantastic all around! Personally, I've met some really interesting people across Canada and have had some really awesome opportunities thrown at me along the way. My journey into the 'media' world has been an eye-opener and has also got me thinking about what I would like to be in my 'life after kids' life. I attended Blissdom Canada in Toronto, where I further networked and explored these interests. (I may have also sang karaoke with reckless abandon in a crowd of screaming women when Jordan Knight from New Kids on the Block graced us with his presence. *Blush*) I hosted my first 'Social Good' event MomsNightOut2Donate&Dine in November (Thanks Boston Pizza!) and look forward to expanding the idea in 2012. My blog, Peek Thru Our Window, was also asked to link up with the Calgary Herald Opinions page online. I've been out in my community more this year and this has all been a good thing for me. I am not from Calgary and while the kids and I do get out and do things and meet people, I've never done it alone. Heck, I've never even had a job in Calgary ever (my last employment was in Canmore, Ab)... so I know no one. If I have been lucky enough to meet you this year in Cowtown or otherwise, please know that I have enjoyed it all.
Family-wise, the kids continue to grow at the speed of light. (Seriously, could we put on the brakes a bit??) Beebo is now in Kindergarten and loving it all; especially, the 'riding the bus' part. Her reading skills have been rewarding, as she often reads Xman stories and her math skills have been the most surprising. A few months ago Beebo did not care about numbers at all and now I can't stop the girl from counting into the thousands, endlessly. All.the.time.
Xman began at his own preschool this year (not shared by his sister) and has really turned into a big boy. I cannot believe he'll be 4 years old in a few days. While he is a very TALL boy for his age, I've always reminded myself that he is still very young inside. He is enthusiastic, happy and helpful most often. He adores his sister and looks forward to her return from school each day. He also loves to get her goat; he's fairly good at it too. ;) Xman has also began working with a Speech Therapist and looks forward to his time with her. The sounds are coming out a lot clearer these days, but he'll continue on with his sessions for the rest of the school year.
The Hubby spent another year working hard to run the company. It has presented its normal array of opportunities and issues, but we continue onward into the future. We were lucky to take a vacation this past summer with family in Maine, USA. It was a lovely time away and we had a great chance to boost the kiddos roadtripping skills and food-from-the-sea skills. This year, we look forward to meeting the 'Mouse', as we'll venture to Disneyland (California) with a few friends and their families.
That's been us! We're ready and eager to see what 2012 holds!
*Best Wishes for a Healthy, Happy and Safe New Year Everyone!*

Happy New Year!
Kate @ This Mom Loves