Are We Really Having This Chat??
Just before Christmas, my children discovered that the dreaded old Wii they had always longed to play, was suddenly do-able. Mario Kart steering was much easier and the kids no longer walked in to things in Super Mario Bros. (Beebo is almost 6 years old and Xman just turned 4 years old.) While I am not opposed to my children playing video games, I need to find a happy-medium before the Wii turns into an all out addiction! I believe there is worth in hand-eye coordination skills and the ability to problem solve (even if it is shooting or jumping on Bowser), plus I really like the teamwork aspect in some games. As parents, we've never had this type of thing to decide upon... so I ask you, my readers for your two-cents!
What are your rules regarding video game play?
How much time do you let your kids play for?
She plays Sonic the Hedgehog and some pre-school games on the iphone. She also has a mobigo and all the games are for kids 3-7. Honestly - her interest in them ebbs and flows and she's not always begging to play them so most of the time if she wants to play I let her. My only rule is that the games are age appropriate.
I really don't have any problems with them. They get it and they abide. They do ask on their non-gaming days to play and I just say "what day is it?" They shut up pretty quick.
If I am being honest with myself, we don't have hard and fast rules, we just kind of keep an eye on how much time he spends each day and what else he is doing with his time. Fortunately, he is very obedient with us saying no - even if he does complain a little, he listens.
She really only plays a little at a time. Have a wonderful weekend!
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