Have You Been to Disneyland?
In a few short weeks, my family and I will venture off to California for a visit with the Mouse. I have spent hours online Googling my face off. I've read so much of the Disney site that i'm now seeing mouse ears everywhere! I've even read the 2012 Unofficial Guide to Disneyland and I am still overwhelmed and unsure.
Sometimes, doing too much research can be bad thing...
My head swirls with all of the things we *might* want to do. Then things like NO FIREWORKS on the night I wanted to stay late throw a wrench into the plans. With kids 4 and 5 years old, we can't be silly and stay up late every night! Days after would be horrible for all of us and I kinda like it when my kids aren't grouchy-- call me selfish.
I'd like to hear what others have to say about their experiences at Disneyland. What are the must-see, must-do rides? What things should we take to the park with us to enjoy our day more??
So far, the only thing i've actually mustered up and bought in preparation are little autograph books for the kiddos. (Hardcovered, plain paper notebooks from the DollarStore.) That's it! I also know that we will be bringing a packed lunch with us every day and trying to avoid huge food costs.
Aside from that, I am a researched out Disneyland newbie! Help!

It then goes on to say what kids usually like about certain rides and what kids don't like about certain rides.
Since every single ride is listed in the book, I went to youtube and searched things like "Test Track Full Ride" Splash Mountain Full Ride" along with all the other rides and I knew by watching them what rides would work out and what ones wouldn't.
Also, I wouldn't fret too much about sleep. Both of my kids woke up every morning around 6am (would have been 5am in the time zone where we live) and didn't go to bed until around 10pm. They slept in the car a little on the way there and back (where we stayed was about a 30 minute drive to and from the Disney parking lot)
Anyway, both of my kids did phenomenally well.
Don't miss:
Haunted Mansion
It's a Small World
Tom Sawyer's Island
the old school rides beyond the castle (Fantasy Land)
Bring in snacks and drinks.
Don't miss the parade.
Buy the Mickey ears and have them monogrammed. Great souvenir.
We do a "vacation fairy" that gives kids all their snacks and treats for the day.......when they wake in the hotel......that gets them excited and off the focus of usual souvenirs.
Mickey and Minnie and other characters are stationed around the main circle as you enter the gates, just beyond the train station. Cruise around there to get the obligatory pic with Mickey.
The train ride around the park is fun and allows you to see a lot.
Stay late. It's magical at night.
Try California Adventure if you get the Park Hopper pass and DON'T MISS Sourin' Over California. Best ride in both parks.
Email me for more info.
We never found the meals to be too bad and the portion size is usually pretty good, but the snacks and drinks are a bit of a killer.
Have fun!
Happy Valentine's Day!