Wordless Wednesday ~ Oooh Ahhh Oh


Alberta beef Rib Eyes, Sushi, and a very lovely bottle of

This is one of my favourite all-time meals.

Do you have a favourite meal??

Thanks to Home To Heather for the lovely bottle of wine.
It was awesome!


Catherine Dabels saidā€¦
Yep. It also involves red meat of the steak variety. Roast potatoes, sautƩed mushrooms, asparagus or green beans. Turnips or brussel sprouts. Mmmmmmm.

Date night.
Heather saidā€¦
my fav meal looks much the same but take out the sushi and add in some of the stuff Catherine mentioned (asparagus, mushrooms, roast root veggies) NUM!
Mrs. M saidā€¦
Sometimes I wish I hadn't decided to become a vegetarian. But the wine looks delish! :)
Leslie saidā€¦
Yum! Love a good rib eye and I make the best marinade. And it's not just me that says that!
Unknown saidā€¦
Red meat, red wine....yummy.
Unknown saidā€¦
Red meat, red wine....yummy.
Jenny Hill saidā€¦
Oh, that does look good.

I think my favourite winter food is a roast - chicken or beek - and my favourite summer meal is red meat on the bbq - of course all meals must be accompanied by a bottle of red!
drediknight saidā€¦
my favourite meal is steak at your place! we should do that again real soon.

Bargainmoose saidā€¦
A wonderful home made steak dinner, creamy mashed potatoes, califlower and some sort of super garlicly toasted bread. I used to love going out and have a good steak at a nice restruant. All of the sudden we figured out we can make even better ones at home and now i'm hooked! -Kate

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