Garden Diaries 2012: It Begins...
I have embarked on yet another season of battling with Mother Nature. Last year she demoralized my efforts handily, leaving me perturbed and lacking in excitement. (Which is rare! I'm usually raring to go in February!) Being a hobbyist gardener who grows only for my family's consumption, I've come to realize that I'd go completely insane if I was a farmer. Besides weather wreaking havoc on the patch, there can be bugs to contend with, weird moulds and fungi, as well as pesky animals! Gardening is certainly not a relaxing hobby.
Things that grow well in Alberta:
(Part of me believes this to be a trick statement...)
-Potatoes, Carrots, Onions, Garlic, Beets (*notice- things that grow underground...), Horseradish (oh yes, I had forgotten about THIS), Peas, Zucchini, Dill, Lettuce
While corn may be something that Alberta apparently grows well, it has eluded me every season I have tried growing it. I will also not be trying my hand at cucumbers in the garden anymore either, as I can't seem to keep them alive.
So for those vegetables that do not always fare so well in the gardens of Alberta,
Meet the future tenants of my greenhouse:
Ms. Sweet, Ms. Roma, and Mr. Beefsteak...
While I am thankful to have a greenhouse to further test my luck at this gardening thing, I seem to still be missing the finer science of too much heat/not enough heat and the right amount of ventilation.
I am obviously not a 'natural' gardener and Google may be my best friend, but no worries- I haven't given up just yet!
(I will succeed... one of these days!)
