Silk for Trees- Reduce Your Carbon Footprint with a Pledge
There are many things that we can all do to lessen our carbon footprint and help out our environment. We all know that having a fuel efficient car is a good place to start. We all know that we should recycle. And some of the things, I haven't even thought about before... like milk.
Did you know that buying a carton (1.89L) of Silk instead of milk can help reduce your carbon footprint? Generating 49% fewer greenhouse gas emissions and using 76% less water, Silk is a good place to begin reducing our impact. Silk's soy and almond beverages are low in saturated fat, lactose-free and are cholesterol free-- plus, the soy beans and almonds used are all grown in North America. To do even more good for the environment, Silk recently partnered with Tree Canada to help give back to our Earth by planting trees across the country; yet another way to lower our carbon impact.
How can you help?
Silk wants to inspire Canadians to join in the fun, reduce their own carbon footprint and to help plant more trees! Using the Carbon Calculator on Silk's Facebook page, Silk is asking Canadians to pledge to reduce their carbon footprint in 1 of 7 ways (Ex: Purchasing less bottled water). Once the pledge has been made, the app will calculate the environmental impact your pledge will have.
Sounds easy, right?
For EVERY pledge Silk receives, they will donate $1 to Tree Canada (up to a maximum $25,000) !
So, what are you waiting for? Help keep Canada beautiful and green. Make a pledge now.
So, what are you waiting for? Help keep Canada beautiful and green. Make a pledge now.
