Gobble Gobble- Happy Thanksgiving!
Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!
I've been a busy girl today; however, I've cooked so many Turkey bird feasts now that it is old hat and kinda fun. What's on the menu you ask?
- Turkey
- Sausage Stuffing ( I used the Club House Flavourful Recipe Mix in Herbes de Provence)
- Mashed Sweet Potato
- Green Bean Casserole (even though I hate it!)
- Gravy... lotsa, lotsa gravy!
- Dinner rolls
- Harvest Pumpkin Tarts (To die for!)
- Pecan Pie
- Homemade Whipped Cream (DaddyO's speciality!)
We are so thankful for the love we have as a family, for good food on the table and for friends to share it with.
Cheers to Thanksgiving 2012~!
