The Images of Hope Event, Calgary #Abpoli #ABHC4IVF
A few weeks ago I had the chance to attend the 'Images of Hope' event here in Calgary. The purpose of the evening was to raise money through silent and live auction for the 'Fertility Assistance Fund' - an amazing gift given by the Generations of Hope organization to those in need of help with infertility.
*Yay Calgary - we raised $90,000!*
I knew I would have a chance to meet a few of the couples who have been helped through this fund, but I did not expect to be a ridiculous sack of tears the whole night as each of their stories were shared. (Thank goodness for waterproof mascara!) It was not only the featured couples who had me sobbing, but many of the attendees also had stories. In talking about it, in bringing it out into the open, you can see and feel the pains of how real of an issue this is. Why don't we talk about it more?
The first couple I met was Rachel and Brandon. They were taking pictures of each other with their girls photo on display and so I asked them if they would like me to take one of them together? The smiles on their faces said everything that needs to be said about what Generations of Hope had done for them. They simply beamed about their girls-- they were so very thankful.
Later, we watched this video about their journey through infertility:
While the 'Images of Hope' event was a success, the reality of it all is this-- lots of couples want to become families. Lots of couples try so hard to conceive, even paying thousands of dollars that they sometimes do not have (read: borrowing from family members, paying for IVF with credit). While I firmly believe that almost anyone who has the will and desire to have children should be capable, I also believe it is wrong for them to have this journey led by outrageous debt. Thankfully organizations like Generations of Hope exist... but we can take it one step further.
Help build a stronger Alberta. Please support IVF funding by signing the petition found HERE.

Disclosure: I am a valued member of the Generations of Hope #ABHCIVF blog team. As such, I received compensation, but the opinions expressed are entirely my own.